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Why Do People Fail at an Interview?

It is normal after any failed job interview to wonder why you did not pass the interview. Although you thought you were the best person for that job, they did not call you again. Honestly, many job seekers have been through this challenging experience. They all wonder about the reasons why they were not selected. Having this self-assessment after each interview can be a better step to learn from previous mistakes.

Why do Candidates fail at an Interview?

Why do candidates fail at an interview

Every candidate is a special case. Each one has his qualification, professional aim, and dream job. When we wonder why applicants fail at a job interview, this question is puzzling, and sometimes answers are not the same on each occasion. Luckily employers and Hr professionals, including Fratres website, will reveal to you the major common reasons for failure and rejection. There is always a required number of accepted applicants. Sometimes you feel that you are eligible for the job, and the results might disappoint you later. The foremost important thing is that failure is not a tragic ending. It can be an occasion to retake and to apply for better opportunities. Without further ado, let’s start explaining why you were not selected.

1.Bad Application Process:

When you apply for a job, make sure that you have all the necessary components of a successful application. Let’s remind you of the fundamental pillars of a successful application:

-Submit a CV/Resume attached to a cover letter.

-Send a follow-up email or an application letter ( in case you didn’t write a cover letter)

-Keep in touch with the company and see if you were invited to a job interview.

-If you were appointed for a meeting, prepare yourself and bring with you the necessary elements. Here is what to bring for an interview.

-If you were invited to a remote interview, be punctual, and provide a speed and good internet connexion.

2.Weak Interview Preparation:

weak interview preparation

The secret behind selected applicants is the previous preparation for any upcoming interview. Many applicants think that spontaneous reactions and answers are the best way to nail an interview. This assumption is entirely wrong, as some spontaneous answers may sound less convincing for employers. The Absence of interview preparation will lead to weak performance. That’s why for better meeting, it is recommended to visit Fratres career advice section and choose the interview list to select some tips related to your upcoming interview.

3.Absence of a Follow-up :

Follow-up with the manager, who has interviewed you, is a critical step to do. If applicants do it, it explains to employers that you are passionate about the job and are ready to take the additional steps to reach it. Don’t forget, after this, follow up to wait for a week, and make different queries about your application. Show concern, but do not chase your employer now and then and insist on hiring you. Be patient, positive, and active in making an attractive online presence around the professional site. Check out;  How Long Does it Take to Hear Back From an Interview?

4. You didn’t Sell Yourself Enough :

Once you're at the interview, you start selling yourself. This is real advice to avoid interview failure. To sell yourself means to market your skills and qualifications in a way that managers think that you are the best choice. Any hiring manager can differentiate between an applicant, who wishes to hold any job, get rid of the title of "unemployed," and an applicant who can add more to that job because he loves it and can develop it. So managers avoid applicants, who come for money purposes, or who plead for a job and ask situational questions that might reveal why you want this job. To correctly sell yourself, you should focus on your strengths and weaknesses and how to ensure managers that you deserve the job.

5.Over Dramatizing and Complaining

over dramatizing

Talking about your previous job experience as a tragic story and describing yourself as a loss for the industry will not impress employers. This strategy will lead to your interview failure. Employers do not trust your sad version. They would automatically class you as a subjective applicant who can ruin the company’s image once fired or resigned. That’s why you should be very objective if you were asked why you left your previous job. Avoid personal issues to prior employers or a team of professionals. You also have to be credible and sincere with less animosity towards the industry, as mentioned earlier. Here is how to answer, Describe What You are Looking for in Your Next Job

6.Lack of Honesty:

If you have some weaknesses, you have to mention them. Managers know that human force or intelligence has some limits. Lying about these limits will turn off employers towards you. You should instead explain to managers how you are working on improving your weaknesses or overcoming them. At least this right answer will make managers trust you. It will show them that they are dealing with an honest person and not with a machine that has reserved answers and repeats them.

7. Hastening to Leave the Interview:

You might have personal commitments or worry about not finding a bus to carry you home. These worries might make you look rude to employers, as they can feel that you are less interested in meeting them. This situation contributes to your failure. If you think it was not the appropriate time for an interview, you can postpone it. It is better than coming in a worried mood. One of the significant keys to acing an interview is showing interest in everything. Did you prepare a question for your interviewer before leaving? Did you ask him about the company’s goals? Did you ask him what responsibilities you would take if you get that job? When you get the occasion to ask questions, use it because managers want to get discussed. Here is how to end an interview.

There were seven common reasons why you fail at a job interview. Consider them and all the best for your upcoming interview.


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