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  • What Should Be your Body Language at a Job Interview?

What Should Be your Body Language at a Job Interview?

A job interview is a salient meeting that follows your application. There are many types of job interviews. You can visit Fratres to discover some of them. Whatever is your interview, the way you behave or answer can play a role in your selection criteria. Let’s take a look at what your body language reveals about you in a job interview:

A Job interview: Before You Get There:

body language map

Whatever your professional field, academic fulfillment, and skills are, you will sooner or later meet the Boss. This meeting is like a test to see how you answer behavioral questions, react to some situational ones, and inform interviewers how you would employ your skills and knowledge in dealing with some business matters. Before you reach any job interview, you need to make some preparation:

-Prepare the most common interview questions that can operate in your field.

-Be positive, motivated, and wise.

-Take enough rest and sleep to look comfortable. Do not come to the employer’s office with a snoozing face.

-Focus and concentrate and show interest in your speaker.

-Mute your cell phone and avoid any source of the disturbance.

-Take the necessary things with you. Here is what you should take with you.

Now, let’s imagine what would happen inside the job interview:

Know about a Job Interview Body Language:

Actions speak louder than words. Your body language is part of the actions that might offer a different first impression on you. Many job seekers do not pay attention to their body language. This wrong attitude can affect their selection criteria. From the very first instance, you enter the interview, you will find yourself under your interviewer’s loop. Every gesture is not innocent. It either counted as a positive or negative action.

Actions not to Take on a Job Interview:

actions not to do in a job interview

This section is for explaining the main everyday actions that people carelessly do in a job interview. Let’s get started.

-Looking at your watch from time to time: Are you expecting something? Are you in a hurry? Looking at your watch or inquiring about time is a big No! Interviewers can take this action wrong and may feel that you are coming to the meeting out of your will. Checking on time now and then is a non respectful act. You are making interviewers think that you can’t wait to get this interview over to leave the meeting. It also shows that you are not giving any importance to this interview.

-Responding to mobile calls: you are in the middle of a job interview, and your phone rings. Even if you apologize to the answer, you have already crossed the professional etiquette. Does a surgeon stop surgery to answer a phone call? No! This action can consume time at the expense of the meeting, disturb and annoy interviewers. You will look less professionally committed. It is better to turn off your mobile during the interview. After all, one hour without receiving calls will not kill anybody.

-Reading from papers: dear job seeker, you will not come to a job interview to deliver a speech. Reading a ready-made answer from a paper is not professional. This action will make interviewers doubt about your qualifications, skills, and experience. It will unmotivate them to select you. Here are How to Answer: 10 Most Difficult Interview Questions

-Talking bad about previous employers: whatever was your previous work experience, you should be objective and diplomatic in your answers. Even if you were bullied at work or fired from your last job, you should not dramatize what previously happened.

-Smoking a cigarette: if you are a smoker, postpone your cigarette until the meeting is over. Smoking is banned in many public places. Interviewers might get disturbed by this action. You will look less severe and less interested in the job.

-Showing illness: do you cough every 5 minutes? If your health is not ok, you better postpone your interview. Unhealthy symptoms can affect the way you answer interview questions. You also risk transmitting your symptoms to interviewers. That’s why it is better not to risk coming to a job interview under these conditions. Here is What are Some Good Reasons to Cancel an Interview?

 Postures that are not Right at a Job Interview:

wrong interview posture

After listing the negative behaviors at a job interview, it’s time to reveal more professional manners. Posture can tell a lot about your personal attitude during a job interview. There are some postures that interviewers cannot tolerate:

-Sitting randomly: you are watching tv at home. Fix your sitting by keeping yourself wise like a yoga master.

-Chewing-gum: seriously! It’s not well presented to chew gum during an interview.

-Bending too much on the table: do not put your elbow on the table, do not bend and look like a melted candle. Be enthusiastic.

These were the different actions and behaviors to avoid in a job interview. Follow these guidelines to structure the best professional impression. Share this article to spread these tips among job seekers. 


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